Headache for years, worsening, it finally becomes a daily headache.
The patient uses a daily intramuscular intake of Ketorolac or Nimesulide.
The headache is temporal, beating and it is followed by nausea and vomiting.
If the patient doesn't take immediately any drug, the headache can go on for 2 or 3 days.
The patient is a 41 year old woman, she isn't married, she has no children, she has a boyfriend, she loves him but she had no coitus with him for a long time.
She doesn't leave him because she is fond of him. She is satisfied about her life even if she has no kids and she feels that the time has gone.
Beating daily headache, it gets worse during the period.
Premonitions, fibroid tumors of the uterus.
In the past she had leukorrhea.
She is assisted by an headache center in Florence.
She has a hepatic steatosis, she thinks it is caused by an excessive painkillers used ( which goes on for years.)
She seems a stubborn person with an apparent strong character.
KI21 = no answer
That's a point which belongs to Chong Mai meridian.
In Kespi opinion KI21 treats the ministerial functions of the organs.
This is understable considering Chong Mai is the sea of the blood which is connected with the Shen and so with the ministerial functions of the organs.
Therefore I tried to treat directly Chong Mai = a little improvement.
I treated Dai Mai with LR5 GB26 GB41. After 2 sessions there was a clear improvement. After 4 sessions the symptomatology disappeared.
After 3 months she came back because she was having headache 1 or 2 times in a week. She had 4 sessions of Dai Mai. The symptomatology disappeared completely.
The beating headache is connected with the blood.
The stubborn character, with an approach which tends to prevail the doctor, makes me think to Chong. The warning dreams are a sign of the empty by the ministerial functions of the liver connected with the blood and with the Chong Mai. KI21 is the Chong point which treats the ministerial function of the liver.
A good, rational and balanced diagnosis isn't often the right one.
The Chong treatment is not effective, even if a headache which appears or gets worse before the period can be an indication.
The stubborn and impetuous character was a mask. The person is weak and insecure. She doesn't leave boyfriend for insecurity. She can't take this choice because she is afraid about the future. She lives with her parents.
She lopped off her life. It produces resentment against herself and her life choices.
LR5 point treats Dai Mai, longitudinal luo, thus the relation with the blood which goes through the genitals and arrives to the brain. LR5 makes qi flowing and that's connected with the uterus. LR5 has also the LI function: rectification, take leave of judgment and guilt about the own past and choices.
GB26 and GB41 help to remove what we have put aside. They represent Dai Mai which is the vase where we put the stuff we don't like about ourselves, the resentment against ourselves and not against the others.
In the last session I treated ST25 to leave completely the influence of the past (HUN) on the present PO. It's important to remember that ST25 is also a Dai Mai point.
She hasn’t called me back in the last months yet.
Dott. Mauro Navarra