A 39 yearold woman in her sixth week of pregnancy. She had previously had acupuncturetreatment for inability to conceive after a miscarriage.
She was feeling anxious , not sleeping, had night timenausea, oppressive feelings in the chest, a feeling to faint, alternatingchills and fevers, bad dreams interlaced with intrusive thoughts that kept herawake and which she didn’t recognize ‘ashers’.
She feelsshe won’t be able to get through the pregnancy if she has to continue with these thought patterns leaving her anxious,pessimistic and above all astounded by her reaction considering this wassomething she really wanted.
Overweight,fat distribution pear shaped, acomplication of gestational diabetes during last pregnancy four years ago treated through diet. Recentlydiagnosed with metabolic polycystic ovaries with insulin resistance , badmigraine headaches with visual auras, treated during the first three months ofher first pregnancy with amitritilin and triptani when needed. These werestopped as soon as she discovered that she was pregnant. She also suffers fromchronic lower back pain.
Blood notsufficiently circulating in the chest.
He 1 JiQuan.
Ki 9 ZhuBin.
The patient felt immediately improved , from her first good night’s sleep but, above all,she feels more herself. Once again happy and wanting to be pregnant. Therestill remains the night time nausea.
Treatment:Bl 15 which the ‘French schools of acupuncture’ advise for the beginning of apregnancy where the woman is disconnected from ‘heavenly qi’ and going througha big life change. She responds well andnow the nausea remains sporadic (leaving her a bit unsure if the pregnancy isstill valid !).
Having recentlystudied He1 in depth for insomnia, I waspleasantly surprised that it was also indicated for other symptoms of hers andso was pleased to treat her so.
Accordingto Lonny Jarret He1 aligns man’s heartwith the Heavens , the heart being the centre of the universe.
He1harmonizes Qi, opens the chest to spread the qi, eliminates heat and helpsagainst nausea.
Amongst thesymptoms there was: night sweats, feeling of chills, insomnia, restlessness, anxiety,pessimistic, unhappy, bitter and regretfulthoughts, a heavy feeling oppressing the chest and nausea without vomit.
He1 helpsones capacity to Love, to accept that something ‘ Bigger’ and to allow one to make that change(Massimo Selmi).
In therelationship between Sp/He, in particular Sp21/ He1, the heart receives bloodenriched by food eaten, the Shen receives Yi which gives us our first memories. But the heartmust circulate the blood without allowing for stasis and with constancy in orderto nurture life.
If a thoughtthrows out another. it is not due to He qi xu , it is an instability of noworth . But if an idea gets fixedinside someone’s present consciousness it risks closing the heart off toanything else and becomes an ‘obsession’ (E.Rochat de la Vallee).
He1 helps one become conscious, gives it a nameand distributes it. A thought without a name is stagnating and becomes anobsession that we do not recognize as ‘ours’.
Ki9 is theoriginating point of the Yin Wei Mai. It is used often in pregnancy , but in thiscase, as never before , I felt it necessary to ‘welcome’ the guest and clearthe negative thoughts from the mothertowards her baby.
Dr.J.MKespi recommends it in blockages of theYin Wei Mai which connects heaven as creative yang ( in respect to earth), in chargeof the first embryonic mutations after conception.
For Souliède Morant Ki9 disrupts any hereditary or ancestral transmission.
Bigler andRempp say that the Yin Wei Mai harmonizes the yin and Ki9 enables a ‘rooting’ or grounding. Thereis a network that looks after functional and spacious order within the pelvis and of the fetusparting from Ki9, receiving information. This is the job of zushaoyin(KI).
Doctor Paola Baldini.