• 06/09/2017
    linkage (Shu), heaven (Tian). Heaven qi (upper part of the body) and earth qi (lower part) meets here, it’s a linkage in the middle of the body (Hun and Po).
  • 14/06/2016

    The Scapula—Studies of Tian Zong and related points.

    In the Chinese tradition the shoulder girdle represents one’s destiny, and  Tian Zong  encourages that expression,  the actions of man in harmony with his own destiny and his own genetic past, with ‘Heaven’. This implies  human kind  guided by an innate wisdom.

  • 18/06/2015

    Therefore, thispoint is a collector either for the toracic zone and for the pelvis, to removeand absorb.
    We must add to thatthe lowering function of the Lung and the internalization of the energy passingthrough the meridians.

  • 02/03/2015
    Forthoracic pain , restlessness-fan and occasional cough, rebellious qi rising,fullness in the chest with difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, vomitingof cold phlegm(the presence of Tan due to invasion of cold is also responsiblefor the cough. The phlegm is clear, white and loose).
  • 02/03/2015
    Qirising upwards, shortness of breath, spasmodic coughing, Qi obstruction,Blocked Qi in line with the diaphragm, a crackling sound in the throat withcough and shortness of breath; difficulty eating; feeling of chest oppression,heart  and chest pain.
  • 02/03/2015
    The Heart is the head of government, the emperor, he who works with his ministers, showing the way.
    The points which treat Xin Zhu as administrator of the imperial body are found at the back( north of the imperial palace)on the line that passes from the fifth thoracic vertebra.
  • 21/01/2015
    In liver meridian we have an extra point which is: LR7, Xi; Gu, Knee Barrier, name that itself is not interesting, but it can become if we think of the term Gu in relation with other Gu points and the knee, especially from a symbolic point of view.
  • 27/11/2014
    TE 5 Wai Guan
  • 27/11/2014
    TE 4 Yang Chi
  • 20/11/2014
    TE 3 - Zhong Zhu
Blog del Dott. Mauro Navarra
Acupuncture S.I.d.A - MANIFEST

The Italian school of acupuncture (S.I.d.A.) was founded with the aim to bring together the cultural experiences of various schools of acupuncture and reading of ancient texts of Chinese medicine in the light of classic Taoist interpretation of oral tradition handed down to us from prof. Jeffrey Yuen.

This, followed by a constant and careful clinical verification, inspired us to create easily reproducible treatment schemes that, distancing us from the protocols properties, leaving intact...>

Acupuncture S.I.d.A - MANIFEST >>
Flow Chart
Wiki Points
  • 06/09/2017
    linkage (Shu), heaven (Tian). Heaven qi (upper part of the body) and earth qi (lower part) meets here, it’s a linkage in the middle of the body (Hun and Po).
  • 14/06/2016

    The Scapula—Studies of Tian Zong and related points.

    In the Chinese tradition the shoulder girdle represents one’s destiny, and  Tian Zong  encourages that expression,  the actions of man in harmony with his own destiny and his own genetic past, with ‘Heaven’. This implies  human kind  guided by an innate wisdom.

  • 18/06/2015

    Therefore, thispoint is a collector either for the toracic zone and for the pelvis, to removeand absorb.
    We must add to thatthe lowering function of the Lung and the internalization of the energy passingthrough the meridians.

  • 02/03/2015
    Forthoracic pain , restlessness-fan and occasional cough, rebellious qi rising,fullness in the chest with difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, vomitingof cold phlegm(the presence of Tan due to invasion of cold is also responsiblefor the cough. The phlegm is clear, white and loose).
  • 02/03/2015
    Qirising upwards, shortness of breath, spasmodic coughing, Qi obstruction,Blocked Qi in line with the diaphragm, a crackling sound in the throat withcough and shortness of breath; difficulty eating; feeling of chest oppression,heart  and chest pain.
  • 02/03/2015
    The Heart is the head of government, the emperor, he who works with his ministers, showing the way.
    The points which treat Xin Zhu as administrator of the imperial body are found at the back( north of the imperial palace)on the line that passes from the fifth thoracic vertebra.
  • 21/01/2015
    In liver meridian we have an extra point which is: LR7, Xi; Gu, Knee Barrier, name that itself is not interesting, but it can become if we think of the term Gu in relation with other Gu points and the knee, especially from a symbolic point of view.
  • 27/11/2014
    TE 5 Wai Guan
  • 27/11/2014
    TE 4 Yang Chi
  • 20/11/2014
    TE 3 - Zhong Zhu
Flow Chart
Wiki Points
24.59(tax and duties not included)

Gynecology and Obstetrics Sexuality

Lesson by  Dr. Dante De Berardinis
Edited by Dr. Mauro Navarra
Presentation by Dr. C. Di Stanislao and T. D’Onofrio

Dante De Berardinis is an incredible author: for years he was quiet and now is ready to burst into the valley to fill every “empty”, as a river which was pinned for too long time. For the first he filled the empty of my heart which was looking for new incentives to keep on advancing, to no bottle up its natural (and vital) “expansion”.
(83 pages)
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