Blog Coordinators Dott. Mauro Navarra and Dott. Dante De Berardinis

  • 06/09/2017
    linkage (Shu), heaven (Tian). Heaven qi (upper part of the body) and earth qi (lower part) meets here, it’s a linkage in the middle of the body (Hun and Po).
  • 14/06/2016

    The Scapula—Studies of Tian Zong and related points.

    In the Chinese tradition the shoulder girdle represents one’s destiny, and  Tian Zong  encourages that expression,  the actions of man in harmony with his own destiny and his own genetic past, with ‘Heaven’. This implies  human kind  guided by an innate wisdom.

  • 18/06/2015

    Therefore, thispoint is a collector either for the toracic zone and for the pelvis, to removeand absorb.
    We must add to thatthe lowering function of the Lung and the internalization of the energy passingthrough the meridians.

  • 02/03/2015
    Forthoracic pain , restlessness-fan and occasional cough, rebellious qi rising,fullness in the chest with difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, vomitingof cold phlegm(the presence of Tan due to invasion of cold is also responsiblefor the cough. The phlegm is clear, white and loose).
  • 02/03/2015
    Qirising upwards, shortness of breath, spasmodic coughing, Qi obstruction,Blocked Qi in line with the diaphragm, a crackling sound in the throat withcough and shortness of breath; difficulty eating; feeling of chest oppression,heart  and chest pain.
  • 02/03/2015
    The Heart is the head of government, the emperor, he who works with his ministers, showing the way.
    The points which treat Xin Zhu as administrator of the imperial body are found at the back( north of the imperial palace)on the line that passes from the fifth thoracic vertebra.
  • 21/01/2015
    In liver meridian we have an extra point which is: LR7, Xi; Gu, Knee Barrier, name that itself is not interesting, but it can become if we think of the term Gu in relation with other Gu points and the knee, especially from a symbolic point of view.
  • 27/11/2014
    TE 5 Wai Guan
  • 27/11/2014
    TE 4 Yang Chi
  • 20/11/2014
    TE 3 - Zhong Zhu
Acupuncture S.I.d.A - MANIFEST

The Italian school of acupuncture (S.I.d.A.) was founded with the aim to bring together the cultural experiences of various schools of acupuncture and reading of ancient texts of Chinese medicine in the light of classic Taoist interpretation of oral tradition handed down to us from prof. Jeffrey Yuen.

This, followed by a constant and careful clinical verification, inspired us to create easily reproducible treatment schemes that, distancing us from the protocols properties, leaving intact...>

Acupuncture S.I.d.A - MANIFEST >>
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Woman 37 year old

Reason for access
Fibromyalgia characterized by intense pain and widespread that prevent the patient from getting out of bed, that is why she lost her job, and the recent appearance of a hip pain unbearable occurs often in PS asking for help. Appears to be ailing and depressed.
History ofisterovarosalpingectomia at the age of 18 years!!! For an intractable menometrorragia.

Since then he has depression and problems in time for osteoporosis and Fibromyalgia that is followed in rheumatology where recently has been given a diagnosis of sacroiliitis that practice anti-TNF alpha with aggravation of weakness and pain in particular two days after administration.

Yang Wei Mai

Already after the first session, the patient had no more pain, he walked the whole day and the following days, has been found not one but two jobs, appears happy.

Considering the age of the patient and the time when the symptoms began, the assumption is that the problem lies in the curious meridians.

Starting then the assumption that Fibromyalgia is a disease caused by an excess of yang (wei qi) or blood on the surface, the Meridian curious concerned must be a yang Meridian.

The third consideration is born from the idea of sexual trauma suffered at a young age.
These three elements lead to yang wei mai, second generation Meridian which regulates all yang and also is the Meridian that is used when a person has suffered an injury.
Yang wei mai is also the Meridian that get the yang from du m in order to achieve the Ming. The realization of the Ming to a woman lies partly in procreation, which in this case was made impossible by mutilating intervention occurred at a young age.

Sexual trauma had blocked the yang wei in genital function to recreate herself (genital function, blood from the uterus goes to heart = realization of ming).
This vacuum in utero had been replaced by an excess of yang-qi/heat and had caused the menometrorragia. Hysterectomy has prevented this via so the excess of yang/heat/qi of yang wei has poured into muscles creating fibromyalgia.

The choice of point has at least two reasons: 1. Is the Xri point of Yang Wei Mai 2. is the point that carries blood from the uterus to the heart. In fact with LR1 and SP1 is used for metrorragie in adolescence or menarche.

Dott.ssa Ilenia Spallino
Dott. Mauro Navarra

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  • 10/09/2018
    What I want to assume is that the structure of acupuncture refers to an ancient law, known by all initiation traditions, which the Chinese have renamed in terms of yin and yang, and that could be read again under this ancient lens for adding meaning and some new modality to our therapeutic approach. This law is the law of the 3 octaves.
  • 10/03/2017
    In T.C.M. (Traditional Chinese Medicine), there is not a chapter on psychiatry but only the so-called "Shen disorders" which are often found between the lines written about the various syndromes that affect the organs and viscera
  • 14/06/2016
    In the Chinese tradition the shoulder girdle represents one’s destiny, and  Tian Zong   encourages that expression,  the actions of man in harmony with his own destiny and his own genetic past, with ‘Heaven’. This implies  human kind  guided by an innate wisdom.
  • 18/05/2016
    Dai Mai is a secondary Meridian. That does not mean it is less important, but just not part of the system thatì At the beginning of acupuncturethe the so-called secondary meridians acupuncture
  • 03/05/2016
    The disease progresses . It superficializza or become deeper and serious. This concept we owe to Hahnemann ; the deepening of the disease over time leads to more and more serious illnesses . In MCC it is said that the pathogenic factor is not expelled leads , over time , to affect more and deeper structures , to affect the zang fu and the curious viscera . As part of our cooperation we hope t...
  • 20/04/2016
    Shen find harmony, deliverance, doesn't want blocks, wants freedom and try to complete his goal. (Cap LS. 54, Nan Jing chapter 34) Its aim is the return to heaven. In other words, the HT commands the KI to finish the Ming, to create those situations in life to fulfill the destiny of the person. Then the little Shen request to ancestors to achieve these things,
  • 11/06/2015
    Personality and I.Q. can be explained by connectomes; maybe even memories - the most peculiar expression of our identity - are coded in our connectome. Genes alone can’t explain how our brain has become what it is. Connectome, unlike genome (even considering the variations of code triplets expressions: epigenetic), keeps changing during the entire life.
  • 24/09/2014
    In the lesson about 8 Extraordinary Channels, the idea about Qiao is that they represent the Luo of Ren (Conception Vessel - CV) and Du (Governor Vessel -GV). This is the reason that leads to processing the key points coupled:
  • 23/09/2014
    SW chapter 6: LI HA YIN YANG: about the divisions and the unions of yin and yang. It is the main chapter (note that the number 6) that define the spatial and energy characteristics of the six axes. LS chapter 5: defines the node and the root
  • 09/09/2014
    DEPEND: from latin DEPENDERE, made by the two particles DE and PENDERE that means to be hung, joined-connected. Coming from, taking origin and consequential: to be subaltern, subordinate, to be necesserely in relationship.
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